Like a deer that longs for running streams….

Here’s another from the “favorite quote” exercise from this past weekend’s workshop with Jamila Davies and Latifah Shay, “The Power of the Written (and Visual!) Word”.

Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for You, my God. My soul is thirsting for the living God.
– Psalm 42

Oh my Lord, since childhood I have longed to know you, to become acquainted. As a child in the massive cathedral of our neighborhood church, Your Love and Beauty poured out to me. Praying the rosary, a beading practice of the Catholic religion, I have sought You.

Then as i grew into the agelessness of my life, I began to lose sight of You, only to find myself adrift and helpless without You, not knowing or understanding the very thing I’m missing is You, not knowing or understanding the why of difficulty.

But then I began to hear Your faint reply. “Be quite. Hear Me. Listen.” I began a torturous climb back into the mountain of Your being leaving behind all the disparities and pain and helplessness of life without You, finding You at last in the cathedral of my own heart, alive and well and always near. Allahu akbar.

My longing is fulfilled in my aching for You. The aching reveals the very doorway to Your magnificent garden of peace, perfection and beauty. Now it is time.
– Jamila Davies

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