No matter where you go, there you are…

This past weekend, Jamila Davies and Latifah Shay teamed up to deliver a powerful and fun healing workshop, “The Power of the Written (and Visual!) Word”. The group of us got together for meditation and creative writing and art from the heart.

One exercise was to each take a favorite quote and write about what it means to us. We had so much fun and felt so inspired, we want to share our works…

This is based on the quote, “No matter where you go, there you are.” I believe this came from “The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.” I’ve never seen the movie, but heard the quote and recall it on many occasions.

And the Creator said “Kun” [Be] and all that is came to be.
Kun – you are what you are and it is perfect in the design of the Creation.
You are a manifestation of God’s Love and Light. You are what is.
In the beauty and in the discomfort, you are. This will not change.
You cannot run from it. You are.
All that is is within you. Stop running and look inside. Seek Truth within.
If you don’t like what you see, seek a new vantage point, find a new perspective, ask a higher Source for help. But do not run. The Love is within.
The Peace is who you are – now.
No matter where you go, there you are.
Face yourself with the witnessing of Love and Compassion and Mercy.
Ask the Creator “Help me to see through Your eyes, to hear with Your ears and understand with Your heart.”
No matter where I go, here I am.
– Debra Graugnard

The Heart of Religion

At the heart of all religions there is only one religion –
the religion of

Peace, Mercy,
Justice, Beauty,

– Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal

Truth of a Sufi, Part 1

Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal, affectionately known to his students in the United States as Sidi, is a master healer and teacher of the ancient wisdom of Sufism. Listen as he teaches a group of students about the healing.


Part 2 is continued in the next post

Truth of a Sufi, Part 2

In part 2, Sidi teaches about standing for Peace, Love, Mercy and Justice amidst the wars and hatred in the world.


Please take time to listen to part 3, as Sidi tells a heart-warming story that teaches about true Love and Mercy and reliance on God, which are the cornerstones of healing.

Truth of a Sufi, Part 3

Sidi shares a heart-warming story about God’s Love, Mercy and Provision for all creatures.